GFWC Maryland

GFWC The Woman's Club of Cecil County

 Chesapeake District  Janet Morgan , President
Contact: Betty Juergens

The Woman’s Club of Cecil County, Inc. became a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Inc. in September 1923.

2018 - 2020 Officers

President: Betty Juergens   home: 410-398-5041
Recording Secretary: Jackie Hewitt
Corresponding Secretary:Stumpy Moore
Treasurer:Bunny Renshaw
Assistant Treasurer: Felicia Neat
Parliamentarian: Ruth Loomis


Meetings – held at 12:00 noon at the Elkton Municipal Building
100 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921

Club Photos

GFWC MD President Dottie Gregg serving punch at our Winter Art Exhibit

Arts Chairman Kaye Merrey at Winter Art Exhibit Reception

A few of our county art winners

Stumpy Moore at Winter Art Exhibit Reception

Winter Art Exhibit Reception

Grace Pursley Birthday Luncheon Chairman

Honoring past presidents Ruth Loomis Kaye Merrey and Dottie Gregg


Dottie Gregg receives president pin from Reno Eitel

Dottie Gregg being installed as MD State President.

Dottie Gregg receiving flowers from Betty Juergens, President of The Woman's Club of Cecil County, Inc.

Speaker Ola Boswell from Deep Roots at our February 7, 2018 meeting.


Our Birthday Luncheon - January 2018

Left to Right: Dottie Gregg, Betty Juergens, new member Joan-Marie Parker, and her sponsor, Libby Keefer.

Honoring our past Presidents, Ruth Loomis, Kaye Merrey, and Dottie Gregg.

Mini Christmas Trees made by our craft group for our shutins in December.

The Rising Sun High School Chancel Choir singing for us at our December 2017 meeting.

Our club was honored to have Babs Condon GFWC MD Parliamentarian and Reno Eitel GFWC MD President speak at our Oct. 4, 2017 meeting.

Past Presidents Dottie Gregg, Kaye Merrey, Ruth Loomis, and Doris Warrington

Art Show 2016

Club members enjoying the art

Fr Nicholas Trinity Episcipal Church Elkton speaks of his experiences in Kenya

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