GFWC Maryland

The Frederick Woman's Civic Club, Inc.

Western District

Contact: Mary Snyder -

Visit our website:

2024-2026 Officers

Over a century of Serving and Preserving in the Frederick Community”

  • President – Jeanne Pim
  • Co Vice Presidents – Carol Feser & Suzy Malagari
  • Recording Secretary – Barbara Thomas
  • Corresponding Secretary – Kaye Shoemaker
  • Treasurer – Nancy Keller-Bonde



General Meetings - Third Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Steiner House, 368 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD September through June, except for joint meetings in October and May.

Evening Meetings - Third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Steiner House, 368 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD

Steiner House

The club meets at historic Steiner House, a Frederick City landmark built in 1807 and purchased by FWCC in 1962. We have preserved and maintained this historic gem as close to its original condition as possible and open it to museum tours and other events. Steiner House reflects the club’s dedication to preservation in our community.

Event Photos




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